345 SAR

Financial Accounting
There are many sectors, the most important of which are hotels and tourist facilities, as well as museums, entertainment places, and service facilities, which are concerned with. It is known to every worker in commercial, industrial, or other businesses,
Additional course description
There are many tonight, the most important of which are hotels and tourist facilities, in addition to educational institutions, facilities and services in which science is known and which every worker in business, industrial work or others has. The differences between them and their sectors are that finance has become an essential and not an integrated part of the work, and without this function you will remain forced to Working steadily from the beginning, it had administrators and workers with experience and skills.
A test of this was the (Financial Accounting) course.
Which the student will learn about the basis of science, its importance, and its relationship with other branches of science, such as administration, government accounting, and others.
You will also learn about many points that the trainee can carry out accounting work, such as learning about the concept of the financial method, which is the basis for registering a law firm, and how the trainee deals with it, analyzes it, and records it in the accounting books.
You will also learn about the most important details and accounting laws, which are used to prepare financial statements and financial reports, in addition to identifying all financial applications and knowing how to design each list and what the contents of each list are, and many more.
The general objective of the training program
Providing trainees with financial training is actually in place
Few pieces of training
Consider its importance and the importance of the accountant
To prepare a financial analysis and financial book for the public stadium
To prepare the audit account, trading account, profits, and income statement
To determine the budget (the statement of financial position and its components) and (its basic forms and accounts)
To prepare the account of purchases and sales, financial transactions thereon, inventory adjustments, and financial and capital operations
To prepare a census of accounts and accounting errors and a comprehensive example
Course information
- Course start date : 2024-05-20
- Duration : 15
- Hours: 45
- Number of seats: 1000
- studying days : from الأحد to الخميس
- Study time : 18:00 - 20:00
- Training period: مسائي
- training type: اونلاين