345 SAR

Strategic and executive management in developing organizations
This course includes all the knowledge and skills necessary for all employees in their various specializations, as it enables them to develop strategic plans that help them monitor the progress of their departments or organizations in achieving their visi
Description of the training program (training course)
This course includes all the knowledge and skills necessary for all employees in their various specializations, as it enables them to develop strategic plans that help them monitor the progress of their departments or organizations in achieving their vision and strategic goals. The course includes learning about the various strategic analysis tools and how to use balanced score cards in formulating strategy.
The general objective of the training program
It aims to efficiently prepare and implement strategic plans, where it is possible to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges facing the facility in which you work, determine the main objectives and design strategic plans.
Detailed objectives of the training program
Knowledge of preparing and implementing strategic plans efficiently
Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges facing your facilities.
Defining main objectives and designing strategic plans.
Apply basic methods and tools in strategic thinking and planning
Employing models and frameworks in the strategic analysis of the organization's external environment
Course information
- Course start date : 2024-05-20
- Duration : 15
- Hours: 45
- Number of seats: 1000
- studying days : from الأحد to الخميس
- Study time : 18:00 - 20:00
- Training period: مسائي
- training type: حضوري