345 SAR

Time management skills and control of work pressure, first level
Developing the skills of the participants in diagnosing and identifying sources of work stress, identifying their types and causes, dealing positively with work stress and its causes, and how to address it to increase their ability to confront and manage
Description of the training program (training course)
Developing participants’ skills in diagnosing and identifying the sources of work stress, identifying their types and causes, and dealing positively with work stress and its causes and how to treat it to increase their abilities to confront and manage it effectively to achieve work goals. They will also be introduced to methods for setting priorities and dealing with crises and conflicts at work and the basics of confronting them to mitigate the impact of the effects resulting from them. Pressures.
Managing stress effectively is one of the effective strategies for managing time effectively. Hence, this course comes to shed light on the topics of stress management and time management to develop participants’ skills in a way that ensures that personal and organizational time is invested with high effectiveness.
The general objective of the training program
The overall goal of this course is to help participants become more efficient and effective in managing their lives; Participants in this interactive course will explore the different skills of time management, and methods of dealing with pressures to better control them, which will reflect positively on their lives at the professional and social levels.
Detailed objectives of the training program
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- To mention the sources, symptoms and types of work stress.
- Mention the skills of identifying and diagnosing stress.
- Mention the rules and methods for dealing with work pressures
- To enumerate the skills of controlling anxiety and stress factors.
- Mention the importance of time in management
- Mentions of time planning and setting priorities at work
- Mention time wasters and ways to overcome them
- To mention the challenges of time management and use them to improve their time management skills
- Apply stress management techniques in order to relieve stress and live a healthier and better life
Course information
- Course start date : 2024-05-20
- Duration : 30
- Hours: 45
- Number of seats: 0
- studying days : from الأحد to الخميس
- Study time : 18:00 - 20:00
- Training period: AM/PM
- training type: اونلاين