250 SAR

Strategic Planning
Organizations or establishments in general seek to survive and continue, regardless of their field of work, whether their goals are profitable or non-profit, and these goals must be employed within an appropriate strategic plan to ensure their achievement
Description of the training program (training course)
Organizations or establishments in general seek to survive and continue, regardless of their field of work, whether their goals are profitable or non-profit, and these goals must be employed within an appropriate strategic plan to ensure their achievement, as plans are the main means that make goals an actual reality. The difference between failed and successful organizations lies in their reliance on strong and effective plans that are appropriate to the organization’s field of work and the surrounding changing environment.
The general objective of the training program
This course aims to identify the skills necessary to prepare a strategic plan; The effects of strategic planning are reflected in all elements. The facility, individuals, and the labor market. This can be observed through strategic planning, and by creating a new vision for the facility that helps it diagnose the difficulties that it may face in the future, and through it new ways of thinking about current or future problems are presented, and it facilitates making appropriate decisions to obtain a strong competitive advantage in the market. Because of its focus on understanding the facility’s internal and external needs, and its use of unprecedented ideas that must increase the quality of performance.
Detailed objectives of the training program
- Knowledge of preparing and implementing strategic plans efficiently
- Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges facing your facilities.
- Defining main objectives and designing strategic plans.
Course information
- Course start date : 2024-05-20
- Duration : 4
- Hours: 20
- Number of seats: 500
- studying days : from الأحد to الخميس
- Study time : 18:00 - 20:00
- Training period: مسائي
- training type: حضوري